Sunday, April 29, 2007


assalamualaikum! :)

hellooo superfriends readers.. sorry for the very late update.. aku di sini ani mogok bah inda mau update. pasalnya kan inda ku tau apa kan di buat.. pasalnya jua lagi "ibu, aa mau makaaan jaguung"(suara dari hidung) hehe..

... anyway, the couples havent got the baby's name yet.. insya'allah they'll decide it later. well hopefully. the baby doin good, she's in shape now nd selalu tidur saja. the picture shown above are recently taken after a week. look how she can pose. cutee kan mcm tyra bank wannabe! haha

... havent done any outing yet, exam are just around the corner. good luck to all superfriends nd readers who'll be having their exam soon. all the best yea. kadang2 saja we go outing, but then nowhere but sb. anyway, now me, fabio nd rupee di rumah sekmenek. jumpa baby nd the couples. so anyway that just about it for today's blog. will update when i got more to tell. anyway, congrates to manchester united fans! nd to liverpool fans, never walk alone? i dont think so! haha.. sorry yea.

anyway, thats about it. anyway to godmother if you have time send kan gambar masa di polo nd to angie also. just send through my email. il be looking forward on it. bah thats it. to all please do take care of yourself nd be good always.


' took me everything not to bring up your name, help me to get out of this circle '

Sunday, April 22, 2007

junior sekmenek~


first of all congrates to Sekemenek nd Romaneho kerana telah melahir seorang anak perempuan hari ini jam 3:10 pagi tadi.the picture is shown above. very cute huh? chubby lagi. the time that all of the superfriends been waiting for. not so much to blog. malas ku kan typing! have a nice day people. i'll blog when ku inda malaas.

.. take care y'all, assalamualaikum!

" i don't know what to say, i'll never have the words but everytime i see your face, it hurts "

Thursday, April 12, 2007

i do

assalamualaikum! =)

heeey readers nd taggers nd superfrienders! i thought i dont wanna blog but then im totally bored nd pluss no one to talk with. heh! where do everyone go? nd what do you people do? mind sharin? haha! seriously nothing much to blog.

... just now as usual we (bubbly, scary, blacky, godmother, papi, raymond nd i) went to sb. so the usual things we do, eat nd gossipin (guess who) nadawaa, we just makan nd ketawa2. we were planning to watch muv but then since we were late so i guess there's always next time yea? hehe.. if not, confirm balik menangis tu. ;p so since inda jadi liat muv so went to gdg to buy some dvd, the usual place where do people buy dvds. raymond didnt come to gdg with cause he was tired nd he got curfew. (on the phone maybe?) haha! ;p so masa kami dtg kami teliat si rupee nd si kaka. they joined us for a while then we went back to bubbly's crib drg balik ke pangkuan sendiri. dead eh malam ani.. nadaa orang wah.ada orang pun mcm inda mau becakap jua. so anyway, at bubbly's kami liat ulang tayang the charity football, sampat meliat quarter of the match saja. wrong information given. after that liat american idol then when we just about to go home, si bubbly jadi mr confident nd wished someone birthday.. he cracked us out! haha.. "thanks for being such a good friend" hahah! inda lagi mau2 tu .. spoiler! but then its all good. then went home sweeet home! oh yea, gooood luck to liverpool fans for tonight's match. =)

like i said, not so much to blog. borednesss! anyway, jaga lah keselamatan anda selalu dan baik2 lah selalu jaga diri. sentiasa bertolak ansur di jalan raya! ingat lah orang yang tersayang. ;) take care people! wabillahitaufik walhidayah w'salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarrakatuh! ;)

" when your skin touches my skin, its too much. when im near you it feels like the time stop nd my guards drop.i didnt see it coming but from somewhere right out of the blue, i never meant to love you but i do "

missing you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Someone should tell you

assalamualaikum! =)

heey readers nd superfriends! whats up whats up? hope you all doing just fine.. im just so bored.. hehe

... tadi ptg went jogging with fabio di somewhere in lambak, thought inda ramai orang then after we came mcm byk orang dtg. the place okay for jogging, syiuk nd ampir rumah kami. we jogged for an hour. it feels good after a while didnt do it. i think we're going to do it again tomorrow. feel free to come. ;p it'll be fun if ramai kenal, inda kerasaan tired. hehe..

... just now went to sb again. present were raymond, labui, godmother, nd i. then after a while scary nd bubbly came. scary bks dari main mintoon nd bubbly just got off from softball trainin. the rest nowhere can be found. ada yang mengedate kali or jalan inda membawa2. oh yea, also ada MsCannavaro with the cousin. ;) hehe.. nothing much happened actually today. same ol same ol. wish i could blog more but then i dont know. hmm.. later in the morning Manchester United against AS Roma. good luck to the fans. :)

i guess thats all about it. blur hantap sudah ni. some pictures from the charity again. canaa tah jua pun banyak ah. hehe.. hope you'll enjoy. more to come. take care nd be good people. wabillahitaufik walhidayah w'salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarrakatuh!

" Someone should tell you how much i love you cause i really do. Wish i could hold you the way that i want to, cause no one can love you like i do "

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

you more than wonderful

assalamualaikum!~ =)

heeyy readers! today ive learned a lesson, a very good one actually. the name is not for sale! anyway, not so much to blog today. i just feel like uploading our pictures during the charity football.

... haappy birthday wish goes to adek izzati nd my mum! wish you a very great year ahead, may allah bless you nd may all your wishes come true. be happy always nd smile! happy birthday once again. =)

... anyway, enjoy the pictures nd more to come, stay tune on =)so take care you all nd be good always. ingatlah selalu "roda itu berputar" :p wabillahitaufik walhidayah w'salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarrakatuh!

"questions cloud my head with why, its a shame cause i cant breathe without you"

Monday, April 09, 2007

Last night

assalamualaikum! =)

heeey readers!~ first of all job well done to blacky for that charity football match nd the superfriends who came nd helped nd to all people who terlibat in the charity. thanks all. congrates to both team!

... yesterday, we Godmother, Papi, Sam Bellamy a.k.a kanak2 Besumit, Fabio, Gadget, Rupee, Labui, Kaka, Bubbly, Miss India 6002 nd me membuat kerja di stadium. it was fun, although it was tiring but in the end we had so much fun nd fun. you can see the pictures. to others, sorry.. nada gambar kamu. hehe.. anyway, the match last night end up AM Gunners 1 - 1 PIP. AM Gunners goal scorer : Kidak nd he's the best player as well. The PIP goal scorer : unknown nd i think he's the best player as well. both team played hard nd it was such an intresting maatch. it'll be great if this such tourny ada lagi. nd part yang paling syiuk meliat the recruit menyanyi sambil menari. haha! nd kebanyakannya yang dtg pakai baju gunners.. thanks to all for the donation. :)

... just now, we labui, fabio, kaka, sam bellamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit, scary, bubbly, blacky, godmother, papi nd i were watchin 'Jangan pandang belakang'. sorry to abang sam bellamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit. it was planned already.. iatah jangan suka membuli orang. apa nya abang tadi 'roda itu berputar'. hahah! jangaan mare nd jangaan jara2.. inda payah malam jumat pun kan meliat ani. hehe.. the muv i can say it was scary but then to think about it mcm labiih tia pulang, antah ah. i guess il leave it to rano to rank it. :p anyway, after that went straight home pasal esok anak2 bandel sekolah nd kerja. nd fabio minjam hp mu eh sehari.. labiiiihhh jua eh. hahah! chargin tia puas2 hp atu. taruh yang bisai2 saja dlm hp atu.. i think thats all about it for todays blog.

anyway.. hope you readers will enjoy the pictures. the pictures were taken masa charity.. enjoy. so wabillahitaufik walhidayah w'salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

" why gotta keep going through changes, You're the reason that i breathe. Every girl to me is nothing but a stranger "

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


assalamualaikum! =)

heey superfriend's readers nd superfriend! soorrryy about the late update nd so sorry about the tagboard. it got nothing to do with you know what im talking about. =) just dissapeared like that nd i dont know what to do. hehe!

... anyway, yesterday wed dwegon a.k.a mean machine was having a match lawan the soldier.. we lost 8-1, well at least we scored nd lagipun the team that we lawan orang2 fit. nothing really happened, just enjoying ourself while they were trying hard to score more goals. haha! the blame were on those who didnt come to the game! sudah dgr kan lawan askar, hijaap hantap trus inda mau main. hehe.. it was goood to see romaneho again after a while, botaak ia sudah. jgn lupa msg2 when the day come ah. in the evening went to watch DPMM F.C nd Perak, the game was intresting. this time i got the chance to see all the goals. congratulation to them, so much for a happy ending. hehe.. present were bubbly, scary, godmother, sam bellamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit, fabio, raymond, kaka, labui, gadget, Green nd Dd. after the match went to sb where we had so much laugh pasal perasan pendek! orang2nya kanya yang pahaam tu. after that went straight home, lalaah hantap wah bks main bola atu.

... just now, went to sb but this time, 3 orang yang kanya ada. biasalah its monday, sloow bnr this day. present were raymond, kaka nd me. i dont know di mana si labui tadi, di msg pun inda bereply. i guess he must be tired or buat assignment nya yang inda pandai siap2 ah or maybe main pom2! so thats about it for today. nothing much really happened. anyway, just telling charity football coming up anytime soon, if you have that time come nd do watch. it'll be intresting match. hope there'll be a lot of familiar faces. good luck to all players!

wabillahitaufik walhidayah w'saalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabrrakatuh!

"There was so many times looking back when I was so afraid nd then you'd come to me nd say to me I could face anything. No one else can do what you have done for me, you'll always be the girl in my life"