Tuesday, April 03, 2007


assalamualaikum! =)

heey superfriend's readers nd superfriend! soorrryy about the late update nd so sorry about the tagboard. it got nothing to do with you know what im talking about. =) just dissapeared like that nd i dont know what to do. hehe!

... anyway, yesterday wed dwegon a.k.a mean machine was having a match lawan the soldier.. we lost 8-1, well at least we scored nd lagipun the team that we lawan orang2 fit. nothing really happened, just enjoying ourself while they were trying hard to score more goals. haha! the blame were on those who didnt come to the game! sudah dgr kan lawan askar, hijaap hantap trus inda mau main. hehe.. it was goood to see romaneho again after a while, botaak ia sudah. jgn lupa msg2 when the day come ah. in the evening went to watch DPMM F.C nd Perak, the game was intresting. this time i got the chance to see all the goals. congratulation to them, so much for a happy ending. hehe.. present were bubbly, scary, godmother, sam bellamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit, fabio, raymond, kaka, labui, gadget, Green nd Dd. after the match went to sb where we had so much laugh pasal perasan pendek! orang2nya kanya yang pahaam tu. after that went straight home, lalaah hantap wah bks main bola atu.

... just now, went to sb but this time, 3 orang yang kanya ada. biasalah its monday, sloow bnr this day. present were raymond, kaka nd me. i dont know di mana si labui tadi, di msg pun inda bereply. i guess he must be tired or buat assignment nya yang inda pandai siap2 ah or maybe main pom2! so thats about it for today. nothing much really happened. anyway, just telling charity football coming up anytime soon, if you have that time come nd do watch. it'll be intresting match. hope there'll be a lot of familiar faces. good luck to all players!

wabillahitaufik walhidayah w'saalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabrrakatuh!

"There was so many times looking back when I was so afraid nd then you'd come to me nd say to me I could face anything. No one else can do what you have done for me, you'll always be the girl in my life"

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