wassap wassap homo sapiens..assalamualaikum my brothers and sisters...
how u readers doin aye??hopefully u guys doing fine...cuz im feeling great ryt now cuz my thing tinggles..osim massage chair rox...hahaha it just make ur day... well there's nothing mcuh to say about today..emm i slept at 7 in da morning doing my assignment..from 8pm-7am gila man n my head at tht time kan teburai(xplode) saja nda..haha have u guy ever experience this?gila man last minute kaja anie gila ah..gila every question lagi mesti 300 word n there's twelve bloodyfu*king question..i knw people doing dgree alum plg pa2 tapi urg yg cam kami anie anu geng relek2 ayam anie te alai2 bah membuat..tesadak utak bah membuat..but after finishing the assignment man what a RELIEF!!!! it felt like the secretion of a spermatic thn i woke up around 11pm Raymond,Kaka n D&G sleep over at Bubbly the tabam's crib. Raymond was moody cuz D&G keep on asking him to msg Scary untah pasal apa sja kah. n i pissed him off too haha just wana push him to the edge hahah malastah ku dulu..haha i don gip chan u know. dont be mad lah brada we were just testing ur iman. c ibnsaat anie haha. Then i bring them along with me to print out my assignment at dE HEritage then binding at Bismi. Godmother was w us too n meet up Blacky the bish at Bismi then submit my assignment d skool..Black was moody also jua tadi untah mengapa kah semua urg kan moody2 ganya anie..PMS kamu kah? japanese flag rising kali..hahaha but i wasnt sure about Blacky maybe he knows tht im gonna trash him Winning Eleven 7-2 kali ah?..hahahhhahhahha...i know u r lost hehe..i main WE w him b4 we jalan..n i kabish him..=p sorry Blacky i knw among us gonna bring that xbox 360..chiaaa!!! speaking of WE Randy...why bother doing the tournement if u know whos the winner...kami sudah confirm tu 1st-3rd placing..hehe cocky aye?biasa ler being ego is our i sed i don gip chan..ok back to our day emm where was i...ah kali kan we went to Gaydonk menyukating jalan(wandering) n Qiulap. Then we end up ke Gien cHU. Is my spelling correct?haha antam sja lah asal ada bunyi2nya..iatah makananya chiaa!!! after awhile nda kesana..baik sia2 pun readers kepunan karang espeacially urg2 yg not in brunei haha dui malaiku kasian cium mata angkal lai..After Gien CHu went to One Stone(batu satu) photoshop cuz Kaka wana develop his pictures from the St.Andrew's prom night last wednesday. His emotion was pretty mixed up as he overlook at his dream gurl DENISE w her boyfrend kissing her on her cheek. hehe Kaka kalau ko kan antam Bfnya dont worry SUPERFRIENDS will be right at your back.haha ke gills kami pastu membual urg sana then balik....on da way balik kami begambar lam kerita memanat..hehe pictures are shown above..iatah lam kerita c D&G anie kan marah2 tapi apa2an nya "Dont talk to manila card"nya urg dont talk to me like that..mau kan marah ahah apa2an ko yg Manila card!!bala bitchy beiting...=D later at night went to tutong talimu itom to BoBoi's crib kan gamble..Papi,Scary,Blacky,Kaka,Bubly the tabam n Labui was presence. Raymond n D&G bichy balik rumah masing2 cuz Raymond ada function doa selamat later cuz his family goin 4 haj n D&G nda tau apa alasanya kan begayut kali sama tipun c bitchy ah..haha so meanwhile at Boboi crib we main 2+1kings..siuk main nya n its pretty simple..
how u readers doin aye??hopefully u guys doing fine...cuz im feeling great ryt now cuz my thing tinggles..osim massage chair rox...hahaha it just make ur day... well there's nothing mcuh to say about today..emm i slept at 7 in da morning doing my assignment..from 8pm-7am gila man n my head at tht time kan teburai(xplode) saja nda..haha have u guy ever experience this?gila man last minute kaja anie gila ah..gila every question lagi mesti 300 word n there's twelve bloodyfu*king question..i knw people doing dgree alum plg pa2 tapi urg yg cam kami anie anu geng relek2 ayam anie te alai2 bah membuat..tesadak utak bah membuat..but after finishing the assignment man what a RELIEF!!!! it felt like the secretion of a spermatic thn i woke up around 11pm Raymond,Kaka n D&G sleep over at Bubbly the tabam's crib. Raymond was moody cuz D&G keep on asking him to msg Scary untah pasal apa sja kah. n i pissed him off too haha just wana push him to the edge hahah malastah ku dulu..haha i don gip chan u know. dont be mad lah brada we were just testing ur iman. c ibnsaat anie haha. Then i bring them along with me to print out my assignment at dE HEritage then binding at Bismi. Godmother was w us too n meet up Blacky the bish at Bismi then submit my assignment d skool..Black was moody also jua tadi untah mengapa kah semua urg kan moody2 ganya anie..PMS kamu kah? japanese flag rising kali..hahaha but i wasnt sure about Blacky maybe he knows tht im gonna trash him Winning Eleven 7-2 kali ah?..hahahhhahhahha...i know u r lost hehe..i main WE w him b4 we jalan..n i kabish him..=p sorry Blacky i knw among us gonna bring that xbox 360..chiaaa!!! speaking of WE Randy...why bother doing the tournement if u know whos the winner...kami sudah confirm tu 1st-3rd placing..hehe cocky aye?biasa ler being ego is our i sed i don gip chan..ok back to our day emm where was i...ah kali kan we went to Gaydonk menyukating jalan(wandering) n Qiulap. Then we end up ke Gien cHU. Is my spelling correct?haha antam sja lah asal ada bunyi2nya..iatah makananya chiaa!!! after awhile nda kesana..baik sia2 pun readers kepunan karang espeacially urg2 yg not in brunei haha dui malaiku kasian cium mata angkal lai..After Gien CHu went to One Stone(batu satu) photoshop cuz Kaka wana develop his pictures from the St.Andrew's prom night last wednesday. His emotion was pretty mixed up as he overlook at his dream gurl DENISE w her boyfrend kissing her on her cheek. hehe Kaka kalau ko kan antam Bfnya dont worry SUPERFRIENDS will be right at your back.haha ke gills kami pastu membual urg sana then balik....on da way balik kami begambar lam kerita memanat..hehe pictures are shown above..iatah lam kerita c D&G anie kan marah2 tapi apa2an nya "Dont talk to manila card"nya urg dont talk to me like that..mau kan marah ahah apa2an ko yg Manila card!!bala bitchy beiting...=D later at night went to tutong talimu itom to BoBoi's crib kan gamble..Papi,Scary,Blacky,Kaka,Bubly the tabam n Labui was presence. Raymond n D&G bichy balik rumah masing2 cuz Raymond ada function doa selamat later cuz his family goin 4 haj n D&G nda tau apa alasanya kan begayut kali sama tipun c bitchy ah..haha so meanwhile at Boboi crib we main 2+1kings..siuk main nya n its pretty simple..
- Dealer gives 3 cards for each player.
- The cards are not exchangeable.
- Sum up the cards and King,Queen,Jack and Ten consider 0 points n others as their respective #
- The highest point are 9 n lowest point is 0
- If you have 2digits as u sum it up, your point will only be counted on ur 2nd # E.g if u got 19 u got the highest point 9 or 23 u got 3 points the 2nd# it counts
- If u got highest point which is 9, the dealer has to pay you triple the money u bet on n if u got 8 point double, 7 - 0 points single payment. If u got special e.g u got triple Aces or 5 or 2 or King of ur card will get 7 times of ur money. Likewise to the dealer .
- No draw in the game. If ur point is the same as the dealer u have to again challenge the dealer with any 3 of your highest card. Aces is highest and 2 are lowest. If u n the dealer have the same point n same card, the symbol's what it counts sphade are the highest followed by Hearts,Clubs and lowest is Diamod
So guys..good luck in trying hahha....once u try u can never stop...
Speaking of Boboi..he is getting married today later..hooray...congrats brada...semoga berjaya dalam kehidupan yg penuh cabaran serta dugaan hahahah apa2an...nda jua ku bagi chan tu ah..heheh u c how time can pass us by very's just a blink of an eye. yesterday u were single n today u r married..heheh so happy honey moon in advance ah..n u r d tanggung Halal...heheheh chiiiaaaa!!!!
Superfriends update...
There are none...hahha everybody missing in action again..bah later i upload pictures ah sal camera's battery abis credit...HUH? ah kana2..ok assalmualaikum..
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