Monday, December 11, 2006

i wont budge,nooo

assalamualaikum! =)

hey superfriend's readers! hope semuanya baik2 aje. sometime things fun somtimes boring! kandang2 nada kan di buat. kan memsg orang, inda kena reply.maklum lah people enjoyin themselve. have fun!

....anyway, tadi wed dwegon a.k.a mean machine havin a match lawan team family team si kit. we won by 3-1. it was raining nd syiuk main pasal inda panaas. anyway blacky scored a hat-tricked. semua simple goal nya ani. inda ia membagi chan jua wah. team sebalah atu mental pasal kami main aggresive they were kinda swearing and all. adakah time di pdg kan menggunting rambut. cali jua tu. jealous wah pasal rambutnya inda pandai panjang.we were only able to score during the 1st half. 2nd half hancur tia pasal kami semua main di mana kami suka. pacaaah kali team wed dwegon a.k.a mean machine ani ah. kami semua onform tadi. syiuk lah main, si kaka pun nampak sudah mentalnya tadi. pasal pakai baju merah atu kali jua bnr ah. nampak pemarah wah. but the game was okay jua lah, pasal in the end semua orang bersalam2an dan ckp "dalam padang,dalam padang saja ah" pacaah. man of the match goes to rupee pasal he was our goalie,samsing goalie kami atu. si fabio menslide testuck ah pasal he got big butt! so anyway after that we went to ussof cafe biasa lah melepak after mng atu. present were amal jariah, raikonen, kaka, bubbly, blacky, godmother, fabio, ms cannavaro, stripper, highsek, lennon, sekmenek, romaneho nd me. kami sana lama juga pasal we were waiting for the birthday boy to come, but unfortunately he wont able to come pasal kan ngambil daddynya dari kk. we took some picture too,kebanyakannya pacaaah2 lah. si kaka rhymin ah, pacah apal bah ia. anyway, havent seen scary lately eversince he started working. hopefully you're doing just fine. busy kali ah. after that kami semua balik then around 11 kami pegi rumah bubbly lagi the usual thing we do. gadget nd puppy ada juga sini. ramai juga lah. we were watchin a footie match between chelsea nd arsenal which end up 1-1. chelsea scorer were essien, he shoot it from a long range which was fabulous. the gunners goal scorer was flamini. he was set up by hleb nd he shoot it nd beat hilario. the match was intresting since both team sama2 kuat.but poorly end up draw. superfriend's update labui nd raymond are watching "long weekend" pacah ceritanya. kaka is in the computer room, membuat email baru. adatah tu. bubbly tidur awal tonight,probably he's tired bks main softball kali. godmother nd puppy just got into the tv room dari makan. that's the update of the superfriend that i can see now. the rest inda tahu buat apa. hopefully semuanya okay2 saja ah.

.... last night we blacky, labui, bubbly, raikonen, fabio,amal jariah nd godmother went to airport to send my motherer nd puppy's parents nd brother for haj. macam biasalah ramai orang nd baunya sekurong juga. like labui said iatah tu baunya. membari kan muntah mencium. cubatah bagi body spray kah or pakai purfume. bukan pulang ngucap kan but ada juga lah dikit. :p we're not that mean lah. kadang2 saja kami jahat. after all done i went home nd durang inda tau kemana lagi. nothing much happened yesterday since sibuk di rumah sendiri. but atleast kami semua bejumpa juga.

so anyway, thats all for today's blog i think. pictures from the footie match nd ussofcafe will be upload anytime soon. i wont leave you guys with a song lyric lagi, pasal kena ucap deeeeep ah. :p nadawa, got no mood to copy nd paste. ngalih bah, bekeraja jadi nya. anyway readers you have fun nd take care always. wabillahi taufik walhidayah w'salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarrakatuh.

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