back to school?
assalamualaikum! :)
hey superfriend's readers! =) hope semuanya baik2 aje. welcome to year 2007, new resolution, new era, new faces nd let starts freshly this year.
... di sini kami celebrate liat fireworks saja di empire, unlike yang di KL atu sampai lupa password ah. boleh sudah balik tu kalau lupa atu. anyway, hope you guys having much fun as we did. or more fun? so superfriends whats your resolution? hehe.. its been a while sudah inda ke rumah bubbly since labui nd godmother not around. hopefully meeting up with you guys any time soon. masa kami (me, lennon nd highsek) di empire meet up with bubbly, scary nd tanker nd a lot of people too. iatah kanya yang attract orang tu sana atu. ada orang becinta pun. oh well, its fun to see them loving each other. hopefully miracles will happen this year. tomorrow is back to school day, so whoever yang start sekolah esok baik tah tidur awal. its goin to be long long day. :p to yang still having their holiday its okay, its alright i got something that you dont like. hehe..
.... not so much to blog actually. im out of words. so anyway happy new year to all superfriends nd to superfriends readers, may this year be the year that you all been waiting for. catch you guys around nd let see if you can catch me. :p take care superfriends nd readers. see you guys around. wabillahi taufik walhidayah w'salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarrakatuh!
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