Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ruang Rindu

assalamualaikum! =)

hey hey superfriend's readers!! how you guys doin? hoope semuanya baik2 aje. sorry for the very late update guys, been busy with works nd all.

first of all, before we start talking. condolence to Yazid's family. to muslim readers sedekah al-fatihah to late Dato Paduka Haji Yakub, semoga allahyarham di cucuri rahmat dan sentiasa dekat dengan allah taala, Amin.

....anyway, its been a while that superfriends didnt chill out, yesterday nd just now we did. yesterday, we went to soto babu. present were Labui, kaka, raymond, godmother, puppy,Gadget, godfather, scary,lennon, nabeng, Ajis R, Rupee nd Didi. some of them bekas swimming. drg inda mau bawa2 jon. siuk sendiri drg ah. MIA's were raikonen, amal jariah, fabio nd sam bellamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit. we stayed there until midnight, scary nd bubbly were late. scary dari kerja nd bubbly dari rumah kali. to samballamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit, mana galang ku? inda membagi chan!! just now went to chill di gdg it was windy nd a lot of people too. all were present accept for sam bellamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit nd puppy. pandai ia inda dtg sam bellamy a.k.a kanak2 besumit ah. kalau ada tadi. hantaaap ku tagih~ hehehe.. didnt get the chance to see raikonen, fabio,amal jariah,sekmenek nd romaneho cause they went back early. hope to see you guys soon eh.sombong inda pandai msg2. after a while went back to bubbly's crib liat manchester united nd portsmouth.

superfriend's update

Labui - massagin arah osim sambil meliat tv.

puppy - lyin down watching tv.

godmother - lyin down as well watchin tv.

bubbly - sleeping.

Gadget - in computer room watching heroes

so anyway, i just wanna share with you readers this monday that is 10th muharram is "hari asyura" byk kelebihan on this day. some are:

- kalau berpuasa on this day, semua dosa selama setahun di hapus kan.

- lapangkan perbelanjaan, when you did kena lapang kan lah perbelanjaan kamu selama setahun.

this is what ive been told nd i would like to share it with you guys esp to muslim readers. anyway,thats about it. il upload pictures next time. sorry for the late update. see you readers around nd be safe nd smile always. to anyone whos birthday is coming happy advance birthday nd wish you all the best in everything you do! wabillahitaufik walhidayah w'salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarrakatuh!

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